
Global Uprisings is independent media project that is fueled by our supporters.
We would like to recognize the following individuals and organizations for their support:

Democratie en Media
Deep Dish TV
Ali Tonak
Jim Costanzo
Alison Cornyn
Arun Gupta
Astra Taylor
Brennan Cavanaugh
Brigitte Weiss
Eliza Calhoun
Jodi Dean
John Clark
Nora York
Seen Films
Suslik Xanrathan
Time’s Up
Brandon Neubauer
Brenda Cooper
Chris Carlsson
Gary Schmitt
Jacob Curtis
Jonny Gordon-Farleigh
Maaike Verellen
Mark Read
Noel Hidalgo
Pieter Baets
Ray Bush
Susan Hyatt
Trevor Kenmure
Felice Gelman
Allison Burtch
Amelia and Dan Hale
Audrey Pendleton
Emma Dowling
Harry Halpin
Jack Bratich
Joy Macknight
Liam Campling
Liz Mason-Deese
Mark Brown
Michael Appuhn
Peter Waterman
Richard Robbins
Robin Bell
Sean O Siochru
Zane Mackin
Amy Wolf
Christoph Haug
Jonathan House
Judy Rust
Matthew Bradley
Nancy Waters
Tongchol Son
Uri Gordon